
Magnetoresistanceisthetendencyofamaterial(oftenferromagnetic)tochangethevalueofitselectricalresistanceinanexternally-appliedmagneticfield.,由RVColeman著作·1964·被引用20次—Calculationsofmagnetoresistanceinmetalshavebeenmadetakingintoaccountthecontributionsofopenorbits.Detailsoftheopenorbitsincopperhave ...,由CCWang著作·2009·被引用3次—Wecomparedthemagnetoresistance(MR)ratiosofcurrent-confined-pa...


Magnetoresistance is the tendency of a material (often ferromagnetic) to change the value of its electrical resistance in an externally-applied magnetic field.

Phys. Rev. 133, A521 (1964)

由 RV Coleman 著作 · 1964 · 被引用 20 次 — Calculations of magnetoresistance in metals have been made taking into account the contributions of open orbits. Details of the open orbits in copper have ...

Magnetoresistance calculation in current-perpendicular

由 CC Wang 著作 · 2009 · 被引用 3 次 — We compared the magnetoresistance (MR) ratios of current-confined-path (CCP) current-perpendicular-to-plane (CPP) giant MR spin valves (SVs) ...

Calculating the Magnetoresistance Effect in Metals

2014年6月2日 — Transversal magnetoresistance is calculated for numerous metal cases on the basis of simple electron theory. Any metal can be represented by ...

Simple Method of Calculating the Magnetoresistance Effect ...

Transversal magnetoresistance is calculated for numerous metal cases on the basis of simple electron theory. Any metal can be represented by a single band ...

General approach for anisotropic magnetoresistance ...

由 MF Velo 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 2 次 — The final resistance value is calculated considering the overall potential difference and current by simple ohmic relation. Similar approach was ...

Numerical calculation of magnetoresistance in a thin

由 DR de Ruiter 著作 · 2016 — The magnetoresistance is calculated for thin-film Bi2Te3, a topological insulator. As a first step, the band structure is obtained through ...

Ordinary magnetoresistance from first

Ordinary magnetoresistance from first-principle calculation. Magnetoresistance (MR) is the change of electrical resistance in an applied magnetic field.